Kidney Stone

Symptoms of Kidney Stone | Causes of Kidney Stone | Treatment of Kidney Stone | Home Remedies for Kidney Stone

A kidney stone can be described as a complex object of minerals and salts deposited in the kidney. Medical science considers four types of stones: calcium oxalate, uric acid, struvite, and cystine. There are many reasons, such as diet, excessive weight, medications, and certain supplements are the common causes of getting a kidney stone. Furthermore, they are responsible for affecting urinary tract.

We all know that passing out a kidney stone can be a painful experience, requiring medical consultation. However, it is essential to note that rocks do not cause long-lasting damage to our kidneys if monitored timely. The most common and effortless way to get rid of kidney stones is to drink water to pass the stone through the urinary tract, or one may need certain medications as advised by the doctor.


Stones in the kidney can be of two types: small and significant; when stones are small, most of the symptoms do not appear at first sight; it is only in large rocks that signs are visible. Furthermore, when rocks are passed from the kidney to the ureters, they can block the urine, swelling the kidney and causing pain. Herein, an individual may start experiencing symptoms of stones:

  • Pain in back, side, and below ribs
  • Strong urge to urinate
  • Increased frequency of urination
  • Blood in urination
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Painful Urination
  • Having fever or chills, depending on the infection


Multiple factors can lead to kidney stones; a few of them have been highlighted below:

  • Dehydration: Not drinking enough water, or loss of fluids in the human body can lead to less urination, which will lead to less dilution of salts, and uncontracted urine
  • Diet: When the calcium level in the urine is high, there are higher chances of developing a kidney stone. However, this does not imply that calcium intake should be reduced
  • Obesity: The common risk factor associated with the formation of stones. Obesity can change the level of acid in the urine, thereby leading to stones formation
  • Family History: Anybody who has a family history of stones has a slightly higher chance of developing stones


Smaller stones often tend to bypass themselves on their own. Doctors recommend waiting up to four to six weeks for the stone to pass on its own. There is no harm to the kidneys during this process, and medications are given when the pain goes unbearable. For tiny stones, no intense treatment is needed; the rock will be bypassed on its own when the below-mentioned precautions are undertaken:

  • Drinking Water:  Drinking 12 glasses daily can help pass small stones. This is because dehydration is one of the critical factors in why people develop stone 
  • Lemon Juice: Lemon can stop stone formation due to its rich citrate property. Additionally, citrate can help in breaking up the small stone and letting them pass easily
  • Apple Cider Vinegar: Apple Cider Vinegar helps flush kidney stones and acts as a pain reliever.
  • Drinking Beer: Studies show that drinking beer can only help pass small stones up to 3mm. This is because beer is a diuretic, and it helps in giving the small stones

When the signs and symptoms of kidney stones become problematic, such as pain in the back getting unbearable, running with high fever, blood in urine, and so on, an immediate medical consultation is needed. Nephrologists diagnose, treat, and cure chronic kidney problems; they also treat other health problems such as high blood pressure, diabetes, fluid retention, and electrolyte and mineral imbalances which can affect our Kidneys. They are experts in performing kidney dialysis treatment and kidney transplants.

What is the fastest way to dissolve kidney stones?

It is a common fact that staying hydrated is the key to passing kidney stones. Additionally, plenty of other drinks, such as beer, apple cider vinegar, and lemon juice, may help pass the stones. Highlighted are some tips for passing kidney stones:

Drinking lots of Water

Set a target of drinking about twelve glasses daily as a standard of eight. This is because dehydration is one of the leading causes of developing kidney stones.

Drink Lemon Juice or Lime in Water

Lemon has the unique property of not letting calcium stones form, and as lemon has citrate, it can also break small stones and allow them to pass.

Consumption of Basil

Basil is known to have anti-inflammatory properties that help in keeping kidney health in check


  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Asparagus
  • Pomegranate juice
  • Wheatgrass juice
  • Alkalizers
  • calcium-rich plant foods
  • Monitor the Sodium Intake
  • Reduce the consumption of Animal Protein

What is the best drink for kidney stones?

Drinking lots of fluids is the best way to pass kidney stones and may help avoid developing stones in the lifetime. Additionally, avoiding dehydration will help dilute the urine, thereby not leading to stone formation. Drinking fluids such as water, ginger ale, lemon-lime sodas, and fruit juices and reducing caffeine consumption are effective ways to keep kidney stones at bay.

What home remedies help break kidney stones?

Home remedies mentioned below may help dissolve the kidney stones, and they may help in preventing the formation of kidney stones:

  • Drinking lots and lots of water
  • Green tea may help in reducing the calcium formation
  • Drinking coconut water may help you in urinating more
  • Others: Fig, Bay Leaf, Parsley, and Horse Gram

Disclaimer: This blog has been written after performing in-depth secondary research related to the topic from various articles, blogs, and journals that have expertise in writing for healthcare. Suppose you see any issues related to stone or pain because of that. We strictly advise you to seek medical consultation


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