
Symptoms | Prevent | Treatment

The H3N2 virus was first detected in 2011 in the USA in pigs. Further, infections in humans were identified, resulting in 309 cases. Infection with H3N2 is associated with exposure to pigs, and the human-to-human spread of the disease is limited for this virus. However, research believes that masses of people may suffer from H3N2, and the infection outbreaks will continue.  CDC (Centers For Diseases Control and Prevention) is the monitoring body of H3N2, reporting the number of cases weekly in the USA.

What is H3N2and what are the symptoms of H3N2?

H3N2 is a strain of the seasonal flu. H3N2 started in 1968; however, with human-to-pig exposure, the virus has evolved and started affecting the human population. Anyone who gets H3N2 will hit vulnerable, and there can be some flu-related deaths. H3N2 is contagious and can spread from one human being to another through coughing and sneezing. Additionally, any physical contact with the mouth and nose after contracting the surface with the virus can also be the main reason for getting the virus.

H3N2 has common symptoms as other flu and are the same as mentioned below:

  • Fever
  • Cough and Sore Throat
  • Runny Nose
  • Body and headache
  • Fatigue
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea

How to Prevent oneself from H3N2 flu?

H3N2 is causing havoc in India, with cases rising and two people being reported as dead. People who are immune compromised are more vulnerable to H3N2. Health professionals have set guidelines for people to follow and prevent themselves from H3N2. Below are some steps you can take to prevent your family and yourself from H3N2:

  • Getting the proper vaccinations before the weather change
  • Practice good health hygiene
  • Wash your hand after every cough and sneeze
  • Practice isolation if you are down with the flu to protect other members of the family
  • Avoid your contact with pigs, and do not eat food and drinks near the pig area
  • Avoid crowded places or wear masks in crowded places
  • Eat healthy and home-cooked food to improve the immunity

What is the treatment for Influenza H3N2?

IMA has advised a list of factors that will be helpful against H3N2 treatment; the same is highlighted below:

  • Take ample fluids to prevent dehydration
  • Rest well
  • Consult with the doctor immediately as early as you notice any symptom
  • Eat healthy food and lots of fruits & vegetables
  • Take regular steam to help with congestion
  • Gargle every morning and before going to bed at night

Disclaimer: This blog has been written after performing in-depth secondary research related to the topic from various articles, blogs, and journals with expertise in writing for healthcare. The content presented on this page should not be considered a substitute for medical expertise. We advise you to book an appointment with the Doctor for any doubts about H3N2.


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