Arthritis Pain in Winters

People with arthritis are more prone to joint pain when there is a slight change in weather. This is because the synovial fluid that acts like motor oil in our joints becomes like a deposit when the weather gets cooler.

According to the Arthritis Foundation, atmospheric chills can aggravate pain sensitivity, slow blood circulation, and causes more muscle spasms. Arthritis can get bad when joints are attacked by autoimmune processes – which is more common in rheumatoid arthritis.

Older people face more health problems, such as joint pains and stiffened muscles, than young people during winter. Additionally, patients with Rheumatoid arthritis face pain, swelling, stiffness, fatigue, and other common rheumatoid arthritis symptoms, which may be challenging to control during winter.

Below mentioned are a few reasons why arthritis can be painful in winter:

  • As sunlight is less in winter, implying low vitamin-D levels, thereby leading to weakened bones and joints
  • Blood circulation is reduced during the cold, which causes pain and stiffness. Further, there is a high chance of getting more muscle spasms causing more pain
  • There is a drop in temperature in winter, which causes pain in joints. This is because when atmospheric pressure decreases, there is swelling in tissues, and joints, causing pain

These are some of the tips that may help you in getting some relief from arthritis pain in winter:

Stay Warm

Staying warm during the winter chills will help you in quitting the arthritis pain. Wear layers on your body, such as hats, gloves, and scarves. Additionally, use an electric heating pad or a heater inside your house or room, and refrain from going out when the weather is harsh.

Get Moving

Doing routine exercise and stretching may help loosen stiff joints and make muscles & joints warm, which lowers the risk of injury and helps with movements in harsh weather.

Supplement Vitamin D

Low levels of vitamin D might worsen the issue of arthritis and the pain associated with it, as a deficiency of vitamin D increases the risk for osteoporosis. Hence, checking your nutrients and consuming vitamin supplements regularly is essential.

Achieve and Sustain a Healthy Weight

Exercising regularly, which helps achieve a healthy weight, will further help reduce pain and stiffness in the joints, especially in the knees. This is because the more weight one has, the more pressure will be put on the bones, tissues, and joints that bear weight, such as the knees, hips, and spine.

Eat Well

Making some diet changes may help reduce inflammation, strengthen bones, and boost your immune system. Increasing the consumption of foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as fatty fish, nuts, and seeds, is suitable for fighting inflammation. Limiting the consumption of sugar and processed carbohydrates may help in feeling fit.

Disclaimer: This blog has been written after performing in-depth secondary research related to the topic from various articles, blogs, and journals, which have expertise in writing for healthcare. If you have arthritis or face pain in joints during winter, we suggest you book an appointment with the doctor.


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