Good posture

What is Posture | Types of Posture | How to Improve Posture | When to Consult Doctor

What is Posture?

Posture means holding one’s body in various positions, including standing, sitting, lying down, and walking. How we walk, sit, and stand tremendously impacts our muscles, bones, and joints. Postures can be classified into two types:

  • Dynamic Posture: It is the posture that you maintain while moving, walking, running, or doing any physical activity
  • Static Posture: It is the posture that you maintain while sitting, standing, or lying down

It is important to note that posture significantly impacts our spine. The human body tends to have three curves in its spinal cord- the first at the neck, the second at the mid-back, and the third at the lower back. Maintaining these curves and not bending them to sustain a healthy lifestyle is imperative.

What are the types of posture?

There are five types of postures:

  • Healthy Posture: Good or healthy posture is when ears are above the shoulders while standing and upright shoulders while sitting
  • Kyphosis Posture: This posture can cause pain in the shoulder as the upper neck is forward, bending as against a natural curve
  • Flat Back Posture: When an individual has flatback syndrome, then it is difficult to stand straight as the spine gets flat, and the individual tends to lean forward
  • Swayback Posture: Practicing this posture can lead to back pain and neck pain, as the spine tends to curve inwards in the lower back area. It can create serious problems, such as difficulty in mobility
  • Forward Head Posture: This situation occurs when we sit where our head is forward bending. This is seen in people who are addicted to phones and screens

Why is good Posture so important?

Maintaining a good posture is extremely healthy as it helps reduce the stress or strain on muscles, joints, and bones. However, poor posture can disrupt the spine’s natural curves, putting more pressure on the body. Some people tend to have poor posture because of a gamut of factors such as muscle imbalance, bad posture habits, muscle injuries, and less flexibility of muscles. Constant neck, shoulder, and head pain are wrong with the posture.

Some of the most common health issues that happen due to poor posture are:

How can I improve my posture when sitting?

When you are seated, keep the following things in mind:

  • Sit straight and make sure that your shoulders are relaxed instead of being hunched
  • When sitting on the chair, ensure that the height of the chair should as your feet are kept on the floor and not hanging
  • Sit back on the chair in a slightly reclining position such that the spine is supported by the back of the chair
  • Your ears and shoulder should be aligned, and the computer screen should be at eye level to avoid any bending forward and backward 
  • Take 5-10 minutes of stretching breaks to release muscles tension

How can I improve my posture when standing?

When you are standing, keep the following things in mind:

  • Stand straight and tall
  • While you are standing, all your weight should be on your feet
  • Let your arms rest on both sides by sliding down
  • Ensure that you stand in the way that your spine is supported
  • Keep your head above your shoulders and do not bend your neck

When to Consult the Doctor?

It is advisable to consult the doctor when the pain from bad posture becomes troublesome. People tend to visit General Physicians or Orthopedics to treat the same; they may advise Physiotherapists depending on the situation.

Orthopedic surgeons specialize in the musculoskeletal system, including the bones, joints, ligaments, tendons, and muscles essential for body movement. Orthopedics treat sports/hand/ankle/foot injuries and more.

Physiotherapists are the right doctors to help people manage muscle pain and balance their functionality and mobility. They provide cures for poor posture, muscle stiffness, joint pain, muscle stretching, etc. They are trained in developing physiotherapy sessions basis the patient’s condition.

Disclaimer: This blog has been written after performing in-depth secondary research related to the topic from various articles, blogs, and journals that have expertise in writing for healthcare. Suppose you see any issues related to your posture or pain in joints, muscles, and bones. We strictly advise you to seek medical consultation. 



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