Icing on Face

Icing has long been used to heal, reduce swelling, ease pain, and speed up the recovery of wounds and bruises, as it can promote the healing of soft tissues, reduce blood flow and reduce nerve activity.  Applying ice to the face will cause an increased blood supply under the skin.

Dermatologists recommend applying ice to the skin as it is natural, affordable, and has ample benefits such as removing dark circles, reducing eye puffiness, reducing inflammation, and many more.

Skin icing is done by massaging 2-3 ice cubes on the face, eyes, lips, and jawline. Rubbing ice daily on your skin provides ample benefits, such as reducing oiliness & inflammation, removing acne, eliminating eye puffiness, and reducing the signs of aging.

Reduces swelling

We are all aware of applying ice to our injuries to heal. However, dermatologist believes that ice provides the same benefits on the face. The ice’s coldness helps remove the additional fluids such as o, il, which further helps decrease the puffiness of the face.

Fights Blemishes and Acne

Dermatologists recommend applying ice directly on the acne and keeping it on the acne for a few minutes until it feels numb; once it starts feeling numb, remove the ice, and the results can be seen in ways that will reduce the size of the pimples and any blemish that is on the face. This is because ice has the property to attack inflammation of any type.

Additionally, applying ice directly on the face will help the skin on the front fight infection, block pores and irritation, and lessen any swelling; this is done by restricting the blood flow and easing any pain.

Eliminates Puffiness and Dark Circles

The eyes are the accurate indicator of everything one is feeling, such as sadness, happiness, upset, tiredness, lack of sleep, whatever it may be eyes and the area around the eyes is the clearest indicator that something is wrong. Icing can provide quick relief from dark circles, and puffiness around the eyes eases a little of tiredness. Putting the ice directly on the ice and massaging it can remove the discomfort in the eyes. Additionally, applying the rose water ice can instantly make the eyes look refreshed.

Reduces Signs of Aging

As we all know, aging can’t be stopped; however, the signs of aging can be delayed by icing the face regularly. Ice therapy is a simple and cost-effective method to provide several benefits to our skin.

Apply ice every morning before wearing makeup to get the instant glow

Apply ice every night before going to bed to fight acne and blemishes

Dermatologists recommend using ice therapy less often in winter as when the temperature dips, the blood circulation gets lower and applying too much ice can make your skin dry. 

Applying Ice therapy is a natural and easy way to get glowing skin, improve skin appearance, reduce pimples, and fight any signs of aging.  Ice is also an excellent way to reduce dark circles and puffiness in the eyes. 

Disclaimer: This blog has been written after performing in-depth secondary research related to the topic from various articles, blogs, and journals that have expertise in writing for healthcare. Suppose you see any skin health issues or concerns about skin problems. We strongly suggest that you seek medical consultation.



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