Tips to Take Care of Your Skin

Our skin protects us in many ways by acting as a top layer to protect the body from bacteria and other environmental issues that can cause severe damage to our skin. The sweat glands and blood vessels in our skin help regulate our body temperature, and skin cells work by transforming the sunlight into Vitamin D, which is essential for healthy bones.

A range of factors, such as genetics, aging, hormones, and other health issues, can impact our skin. Factors such as unprotected skin exposure, washing too frequently and with hot water, consuming an unhealthy diet, stress, lack of sleep, dehydration, and smoking can cause damage to the skin in the long run.

The color of our skin helps us gauge the issue of the skin, namely red and itchy skin, which is an indication of some allergies or face rash. Yellow is an expression of some point with the liver, and dark or insignificant moles indicate warning signs of skin cancer.

Sun rays can be damaging, too, as sunlight contains ultraviolet (UV) light, which can cause sunburn, thereby contributing to a faster aging process. Dermatologists believe that there is a connection between UV exposure and skin cancer. Hence, it is an excellent idea to protect the skin from the sun by wearing hats & protective clothing, using sunscreen with an SPF of at least thirty and avoiding going out when sunlight is most vital.

Below mentioned are some health tips on how to keep your healthy and radiant:

Eat A Healthy Diet

Eating healthy is more important than applying them on the face, as diet significantly improves our skin health from the inside out. Dermatologist recommends the below-mentioned food that helps in getting good skin:

  • Olive Oil: It is not only good for our hearts but for our skin also, as it helps in lowering the risk of damage to the skin, including wrinkles, and dark spots resulting from a long-term sunlight exposure
  • Mangoes: The king of fruits has enormous skin benefits as it contains antioxidants that help in protecting the collagen
  • Tomatoes: Tomatoes are known to have properties that help in reducing the effects of skin cancer occurring because of UV light exposure
  • Green Tea:  Green Tea can help rejuvenate the drying skin cells, reduce the puffiness under the eyes, and swelling of a wound, combat acne or blemishes, heal wounds resulting from certain skin conditions, and many more

Keep moisture in the skin

Skin moisturizers seal in moisture and keep the top layer of the skin cells hydrated and seal in moisture. It is advisable to apply to moisturize immediately after bathing or washing to absorb the moisture in the water completely. Additionally, in cases of skin irritation, it is best to use an ointment and a skin cream instead of a lotion or moisturizer to combat the skin irritation. Applying Cold compresses should help control the itching, and scratching of the skin should be avoided.

Getting the Right Sleep

Getting good beauty sleep is essential for our skin as it helps in removing the dark circles under the eyes, improving the skin tone, producing an adequate amount of collagen, and so on. Doctors suggest sleeping for 7-9 hours daily for adults. This is because our cells repair and regenerate our skin, muscles, and brain cells when asleep. Additionally, our body produces collagen during sleep which helps in preventing our skin from getting loose and sagging.

Using Skin Care products as per our Skin Needs

Dermatologist advises us to understand our skin types, including oily, dry, normal, combination, or sensitive, and use skin care products accordingly. This will help in making your skin look and feel better.

Gentle Face Cleanser

It is essential to wash your face every time you come from outside to remove all the dirt from the outside. Apply a face cleanser or face wash in a circular motion and gently cleanse the face with lukewarm water and wipe the face by gently patting it with a fresh towel.

Applying Sunscreen when going Out

Using sunscreen when going outside is an excellent method to protect our skin from the sun’s harmful effects, slow the aging process, and may help prevent skin cancer eventually. Dermatologists recommend using Sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher. Sunscreen can be applied to infants who are six months old.

Disclaimer: This blog has been written after performing in-depth secondary research related to the topic from various articles, blogs, and journals that have expertise in writing for healthcare. Suppose you see any issues related to acne, moles, tanning, or other skin problems; we advise you to seek medical consultation. 



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